- Title: цъкащ
- Status: Offline
- Registered: 2009-08-18
- Posts: 77
- Title: закоравял
- Status: Offline
- From: Пловдив
- Registered: 2006-12-23
- Posts: 534
много приятна музика 
- Title: цъкащ
- Status: Offline
- Registered: 2009-08-18
- Posts: 77
- Title: закоравял
- Status: Offline
- From: Sofia
- Registered: 2006-04-10
- Posts: 716
много им се кефих на тия и все още се кефя!
мерси за линка!
- Title: цъкащ
- Status: Offline
- Registered: 2009-08-26
- Posts: 32
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSiuE54fl48 (dance)
i won't retreat. i won't be made weak by the thorns in my feet. i will walk til' i bleed or die from fatigue and beyond if need be. believe me, you will not defeat me, i swear to god. and that's a promise i'll keep until i'm 6 feet deep, motherfucker.
- Title: закоравял
- Status: Offline
- From: Sofia
- Registered: 2006-04-10
- Posts: 716
- Title: цъкащ
- Status: Offline
- Registered: 2009-08-18
- Posts: 77
koyto ne e slushal unhallowed, a samo novite neshta, mu preporuchvam da preslusha mn dobre tozi album, zashtoto e dosta po razlichen ot poslednite i dori miasma. dalech po-dobur sushto taka, spored men.
Audentes Fortuna Iuvat.
- Title: мафиозо
- Status: Offline
- Registered: 2008-01-31
- Posts: 161
Kikbek Be Bratooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

suicide - try it before you knock it please
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