
Re: Любими текстове на песни

We don't care what you say
Cause you don't have a mind
Our message true so you can screw
The truth is there to find
Kill them all just for kicks
What a world we have to fix
Marched them and lit the flame
Society System you're to blame
Stole their land and
Raped their wives
Society System destroyed their lives
Atomic bombs on helpless Japs
Those attitudes are yours,
We won't be trapped
The kids will have their say
The kids will rise today
Push us under and call us names
Try to feed us chemicals
To make us tame
The sixties showed
The strength of youth
The war showed you
The fuckin truth
Play with our lives as if a toy
Now you'll see the difference
Through the strength of Oi
Think we're pussies afraid to fight
Then enter our pit and feel our might
The kids will have their say
The kids will rise today
Our union can't be broken as they will try
We'll be united till each of us die

Hello you fuckers, you assholes, you social rejects...


Re: Любими текстове на песни

Niki wrote:

hehe bratle, mnogo All Out War slushash smile vnimavai s tiq apokaliptichni tekstove da ne pochnesh i ti kato Ricky da si govorish s gospod big_smile

chovek da ne napishe neshto v toi forum big_smile


Re: Любими текстове на песни

Za mene nai-silniq straight edge tekst

More than X's on my hand
More than being in a straightedge band
I see no good in my mind getting fucked
A needless vacuum, I won't be sucked
Straight Mind
Razor Edge
Firm footing on a social ledge
"A party's no fun if there's no brew"
I can only feel sorry for you
'Cause I've had a blast all my life
Never needed any puke-filled strife
Straight Mind
Razor Edge
Firm footing on a social ledge
It's a way of life that says I don't need
Hangovers, freak-outs or expensive weed
Rather buy a record any day
My mind is here, not far away
Straight Mind
Razor Edge
Firm footing on a social ledge


Re: Любими текстове на песни

In blood we trust-The Curtain Falls
I can see them coming
Black hair cute girlie face
I grant you my disrespect
Erase your disgraced face
Who the fuck do you think you are?
Where's your respect - Where's your dedication?
What the fuck do you think you stand for?
This time I won’t forgive!
I’m sick and tired of your cheap talk
Shove your scenepoints down your throat
Suffocation - the end of the clones
The curtain falls…the curtain finally falls!!
Its time to disinfest our scene from this plague
Banish their believes of hardcore these days
Build upon empty phrases
You better face facts
A true heart sees through all fakes
This complete farce is over
I bet you won't survive our evolution
As a part of the non-existing scene
One day you choke on the bullshit lies you
swallow everyday and no one will fuckin care...
To us you're dead

Best friends become strangers
True love it turns to hatred
Nothing you can do to me


Re: Любими текстове на песни

Страшно оригинални лирики, аз не съм срещал друг път такова дълбоко парче!!!


Re: Любими текстове на песни

i az se tva si mislq tiq dni

Best friends become strangers
True love it turns to hatred
Nothing you can do to me


Re: Любими текстове на песни

Blood for blood-paper gansta
Who the fuck do you think you are
You've taken this a bit too far
Believing you're king shit
In your fake fantasy
A clown dress to impress
Soft core, Mickey Mouse and nothing less
Exposing you will make me rest
Until then remember you're
A bullshit fake Paper Gangster
You ain't nothing but an image and a liar
A bullshit fake Paper Gangster
Softcore motherfucker
Could it be you're really not from the streets
Could it be you saw it on TV
The way you act where I come from
You'd never last
Could it be you're lying through your teeth
Once a long time ago
I was naive to all I know
People tried to push onto me
Their week mentality
I woke up to and I know
I am real and not for show
Unlike you who knows inside
You're soft because
A bullshit fake Paper Gangster
You ain't nothing but an image and a liar
A bullshit fake Paper Gangster
A Punk Ass motherfucker
The life I've lived the pain I've felt
With such things you never dealt
So to me you are a maggot
So when you go and outcast me
And I can't do a fuckin thing
Know that I know inside
You're weak

Best friends become strangers
True love it turns to hatred
Nothing you can do to me


Re: Любими текстове на песни

bushido - alles verloren ; bushido ft. chakuza - eure kinder

Всичко, което си бил, връхлита те отново
Мислите прогарят като изстреляно олово


Re: Любими текстове на песни

I don't seek god or inner peace
I won't chant prayers but I eat meat
Don't ask you to think like me
But I'm more straight-edge than you'll ever be

Pennies from heaven is all they want to see
And all this religion is spreading like a fucking disease
Used up all the others now they're using the Hardcore scene
Hear the lies so often they've lost touch with reality

I don't care if you want to get fucked up
I'll still call you my friend
And if someone claim they've got an answer
I'll tell you how it ends

Say your prayers it's time for sleep
Kneel down with the other sheep
Change your sound to one that sells
Get us more money or go to hell

Hello you fuckers, you assholes, you social rejects...


Re: Любими текстове на песни

non stop non stop indiiski konop non stop marihuana za beliq mi drob
suicide - try it before you knock it please


Re: Любими текстове на песни

Хаха човече. Бях забравил к'ва луда песничка е тва! Евалата!


Re: Любими текстове на песни

switchstance - bqgai hahahaha ama teksta ne moa da go namera celiq :P hAHAHHA inak e kultov (nod)


Re: Любими текстове на песни

Think I'm joking about your smoking
Think it's fair to steal my air
You you you you you take my breath away

Don't cry freedom cause you've stolen mine
Smoke filled rooms make me blind
You you you you you take my breath away.

Leave odor on my clothes
Spread your venom up my nose
You you you you you take my breath away.

Right to smoke in it's place
Far away from anyone's face
You you you you you get it away.

Did you ask if I minded
For my eyes to be blinded
Make my lungs black
From your smoke attack

You're gonna burn you'll learn you'll learn
You're gonna burn you'll learn you'll learn
You're gonna burn you'll learn you'll learn
You're gonna burn you'll learn you'll learn

Don't you dare and steal my air
Don't you dare and steal my air
Don't you dare and steal my air
Don't you dare and steal my air

Don't you dare steal my air cause I care

Hello you fuckers, you assholes, you social rejects...


Re: Любими текстове на песни

К’во, к’во, к’во ме гледаш, бе, ъ-ъ
аз съм тарикат, разбери това!!!
к’во, к’во, к’во ме гледаш, бе, ъ-ъ,
гледам страшно от моята кола.

Започвам да говоря за моя живот,
за теб, за мен и за всички проблеми,
как се чувствах без сили, когато нямах пари,
тогава чувствах, че звярът във мене не спи.
Гледах напред и нищо не виждах,
гледах баровците със колите и само завиждах.
Във един момент на мене ми падна пердето,
но мястото, което исках вече беше заето,
много трудно ми беше, когато животът
се обърна срещу мен, ебати живота,
сложих си главата във торбата и си казах,
че ще правя пари от тия глупости,
продавах известно време разни боклуци,
с които не бих се гордял пред моите внуци.
Тогава застанах твърдо на тъмната страна,
колкото и да не исках това, ъ.

Припев (х2)

Мисля че ти знаеш чувството, когато
искаш, а не можеш да бъдеш богато
лайно, ти да караш коли,
да харчиш пари, със много жени,
това на мене ми скъса нервната система,
започнах да работя извън тая система.
Стоях по ъглите и продавах лайна,
дори и куките научиха за това,
започнаха да ми подслушват моя телефон,
да ме следят, да подслушват мое мобифон,
когато усетих, че положението вече не може да бъде
или спряно, изчистих бързо всички неща
и успях да изляза чист от тая помия,
мръсните пари вкарах в чистия си бизнес
и започнах да живея добре, ъ!

Припев (х2)

Парите във брой е моят девиз запомни
и сигурно си мислиш, че съм алчен гъз, нали?
Дори всичко това да е така,
аз искам да живея живота си,
не знам обаче има хора, които
ме мразят открито и ми пречат на мен,
не ме ебе за вас, запомнете, бе лайнари тъпи,
трябва ли да го повтарям всичко това толкова пъти.
Ако стане въпрос за концерта – плащай,
ако стане въпрос за записи – плащай,
ако искаш да ме снимаш мен – плащай,
ако искаш да ме слушаш – плащай,
разбери това е бизнесът ми
и сега ще взема и твоите пари
и ти много добре знаеш моето име,
а сега остави ме.

Припев (х2)



Re: Любими текстове на песни



Re: Любими текстове на песни

Ей тоя хит в последно време го въртя яко. Хабиби си е яка пичка. На тайландка прилича.

Малките Крисалчета:
Як мотору
Зънгър Зънгърдак/2
чал чал зънгърдак/2
ало ало туркей Бариер
тупур тупур педераст ромее
Зънгър Зънгърдак
лаки бум турбо дизел чат чат

Мотору да яксам къзлара баксам
гедже гюндюз сен гезерсин
гюзел къзларъ северсин
як як мотору да як/2
Зънгър Зънгърдак/2
хайатъна бак

Малките Крисалчета:
Бас мечо бас там бу яза бас
тупур тупур тупур
як як лаки як я
лаки бум бум
лаки бара чача

Мотору му якарък
кадъна да басаръм
аклъма такаръм
къзлара чакаръм
кейфиме бакаръм
Мастика йъ ичерим
барларда гезерим

Бас мечо бас там бу яза бас
тупур тупур тупур
як як лаки як я
лаки бум бум
лаки бара чача

Last edited by BlindVictim (2009-03-16 19:21:36)


Re: Любими текстове на песни

So here's a story about a city with a secret
Everyone one here is the life of the party
And everyone who's anyone is everyone's biggest fan.
If they've got what you need.
Everyone whispers and sends out a secret nod
The congregation's in 5 minutes
"Meet me in the bathroom." Or maybe tonight the lines
Will get drawn right in front of you.
The life you live is a life of stupidity
Like those on pages of a Hollywood magazine.
See the stars in your eyes and the glamor you'll never see
Because you live on your knees.
Money burns like your nose, you comfort yourself and stay in the smoke screen.
You've found true love inside an empty scene.
You live in a bad dream.
She's just searching for acceptance, and He's afraid,
But still puts himself out there.
They all came in search of a good time.
Approaching the night with closed eyes.
Pull the shades down, to hide the beautiful person you are on the inside.
Your photocopied reflection: distorting your actual size.
You live in a bad dream.

Hello you fuckers, you assholes, you social rejects...


Re: Любими текстове на песни

Ей, сетих се за една велика песен! lol

Oh, I wish I was a punk-rocker, with flowers in my hair... lol


Re: Любими текстове на песни

Pack your fists full of hate take a
swing at the world these kids
stick to themselves carry angst in
their words where will never be
apart of this cursed fucking town
so we stand amongst ourselves
watch it burn to the ground
burn to the fucking ground...

Hello you fuckers, you assholes, you social rejects...


Re: Любими текстове на песни

Това трябва да го преподават на децата в училище, да се ориентират от малки. Момичетата - секретарки и курви. Момчетата - бизнесмени и мутри.

С далавери стават милионери,
стават милионери, туй е работа.
Инженери дипломата взели,
дипломата взели, нямат работа.

Вземаш, даваш, после го продаваш -
пак е работа.
Да работиш само за една заплата -
кофти работа.

Секретарки с устни много жарки,
с устни много жарки имат работа.
Получават долари и марки,
долари и марки, сладка работа.

А шофьори, докери, монтьори -
тежка работа.
Цял ден карат, само блъскат,
всичко пръскат - лоша работа.

Тарикат стават адвокати,
стават адвокати, сладка работа.
Кофти хора вадят от затвора,
вадят от затвора, лоша работа.

Вземаш, даваш, после го продаваш -
пак е работа.
Да работиш само за една заплата -
кофти работа.

Шефовете карат мерцедеси,
карат мерцедеси, туй е работа.
Гледат само своите интереси,
своите интереси, сладка работа.

Шефовете карат мерцедеси,
карат мерцедеси, туй е работа.
Във чужбина имат интереси,
имат интереси, сладка работа.

А народа, тежък му живота -
няма работа.
Даже да работи за една заплата -
слаба работа.


Re: Любими текстове на песни

Slapshot - Wasted Time

It's only music get a fucking clue
Who gives a fuck if someone picks on you
What the fuck are all you fighting for?
This isn't what I make this music for
20 years of my life down the drain
If it wasn't so much fun I'd go insane
I made some music I made some friends
If I had the time I'd do it all again
I could have had my kids at 21
But then I couldn't have had so much fun
Every time I think I might be done
All this wasted time was so much fun
What's the point of growing old
With nothing to show for or stories told
And here I am still hanging tough
I've got my memories when times get rough...

Hello you fuckers, you assholes, you social rejects...


Re: Любими текстове на песни

Sick of it all - just look around

The question they keep asking me
how can one so young be so bitter and angry
well, the answer is plain to see
maybe if they wern't so blind they'd see what i see
i see the homeless livin' out on the street
on every corner they're asking for money
i try to help them whenever i can
but sometimes i can't afford to help myself
i see diseases and modern plagues of our times
the greed of our leaders has made them blind
to our problems
they spend millions overseas,
people right here are fightin' wars everyday

I see the whites that hate the blacks
blacks against the jews, race against religion
and the're all too blind to see

When we fight each other it puts all of them at ease
it keeps us so busy, so they can do what they please
election time comes and they're out for votes
that's when you see and hear from them the most
this is what they're calling a democracy
that's just another word for hypocrisy
we keep fallin' for the bait
when we realize, it's always too late

I see the whites that hate the blacks
blacks that hate the jews, brother against brother
and they're all to blind to see

As the rich get richer, the poor goin' hungry
i've seen the toll it takes on the workingman's family
education system that's obsolete
can't hold a kid's interest or keep 'em off the street
see a father's fear, hear a mother's cry
what kind of a nation lets their children die
government's corrupt and full of red tape
then you're gonna ask me why i hate

Why don't you open up your eyes so you can see
open up your ears so you can hear
take a look around and you will find
take a look around and you will find out why

има ли кво повече да кажа за света който ни заобикаля ?

Last edited by GrimReaperHC (2009-09-30 22:48:02)
Shit, I spent my whole life around the violence so I planted seeds of hate oh I let my habits grow I slept with the homeless, I copped with the fiends Lost the love inside my heart, I even forgot what it means Seen the ripest nights turn into the rottenest schemes But through it all I have never forgotten my dreams


Re: Любими текстове на песни

How can you live afraid to face the day?
This world will find a way to fuck you anyway
How can you live afraid to fucking fight?
I'd rather die that be a coward all my life
How can you live with fear inside your heart?
It eats away at you you'll lose the game
Before you start
How can you live with that feeling deep inside?
The sufferings everywhere
There is nowhere to hide
I'll fight for my brothers
I'll die for my family
Don't preach about peace
Cause it just seems like fear to me
I'll fight for my brothers
I'll die for my family
And you must admit
You're just fucking weak
Won't live in fear of the world
There's no excuse stand up and fight
My friends my family would die for me