Topic: La Muchedumbre,текстове
интересуват ме текстовете на групата...е,ако някой ги има,да пише
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интересуват ме текстовете на групата...е,ако някой ги има,да пише
Текстовете ги няма никъде, но в обложката на диска 100% ще ги има или по-точно на 12 песни, защото две от всички 14 са инструментали.
Иначе единствено от самата група можеш да ги вземеш.
ок,мерси,тогава май направо с тях ще се свържа...
а на теб нещо не мога да ти оставя съобщение във форума,пратил съм ти мейл на info(а) направо
Видях го, като имам новини ще пиша
Ето и текстовете или поне повечето от тях:
I knew one man who was close to hang himself
well he didn’t like at all what he was doing anyway
he didn’t like his job and he was asking what am I doing here
this pace is full of shit I wanna get out of this misery I’m in
That was back then in the year of 1989
a revolution was on to come and people took the streets to claim their very own rights
so that was the happiest moment for our freedom-hunting friend
he took what he got and lost himself somewhere far faraway
Go back from where you came
though it won’t be the same
this track will remain
in your head like a stain
Now I meet that man and it’s the summer of 2005
he was very glad to see me again and briefly got me in the story of his life
he said it’s good to be back from where you belong you won’t find any better
I used to live abroad for long but I missed my home too much to be away
I gave you the chance to avoid the shit
I gave you second one – you were too much in it
the third time – straight into another fiasco
the fourth time – the door is almost closed
How could you’ve been so unpredictable
or was it really so far to be held
a precious dream so far to be held
and the painful end getting closer and closer
Ела при нас и чуй в един общ глас
Виж се какъв си педераст
трупаш черни точки без да спираш
на развален човек смърдиш, марш оттук!!!
Развален човек, миришеш, марш оттука
мястото ти е на боклука
Колко пъти да ти казвам махай се оттук
мястото ти е на боклука
Tell me why come on tell me why
why did you run from your values
was it something at the moment
or long-time disturbing problem
Do you realize now what’s going on
I’m standing here like a stupid moron
trying to put together one broken watch
a damned puzzle in which pieces won’t fit
Ела при нас и чуй в един общ глас
ти си просто една тъпа путка
трупаш черни точки без да спираш
на развален човек смърдиш, марш оттук!
Развален човек, миришеш, марш оттука
мястото ти е на боклука
Колко пъти да ти казвам махай се оттук
мястото ти е на боклука
There is wrong
is it the way I feel
it's like I’m drunk
or under the wheel
was it too quick to change
or I was very slow to catch it
my life in rearrange
suppose I didn’t get much of it
Bright-upstairs-people tell me
you had to make the change
going upstairs to another floor
ain’t gonna make you feel the same
a different world will open the doors
to someone who cries for it
the secret for that tremendous wealth
lies in it
Sitting in my room
listening to Sick of it all
a music full of truth
makes me be like a doll
and I started thinking
how much does it take
to deal with myself
in the right way
To bother about this and that
to watch the News with such regret
waned by the information flow
the level of alertness kept in low
this is the world of the new millennium
this is how it appears to me
pertinacious try to get an answer
to a question raised from disparity
Had the emotion been on the top of the glacier
we might have vanished long ago
The Cuban crisis – the clearest example
of stupid statements taken easily so
the brotherhood means a lot to me
a close touch to one you can believe in
a powerful weapon against profanity
also true way to serenity
do these words give a sense at all
or perplex your mind more and more
if so, you won’t get the chance
to follow me and my thoughts
at the end of the lyrics of this song
there should be placed wise conclusion
but unfortunately I don’t have one
so it is up to you to come to one
For a minute moment it ought to be different
for just one day brain barriers to be gone
just one day to possess to clean up this mess
just one day… day
ripple the water and observe the surface
for just one day the point of interest being correctly set
just one day how would I need to remake it all
just one day… day
La muchedumbre
Son las ocho y media ya ..
casi toda la gente ya esta
unas botellas, un poco de hierba
y ya estamos listos en la selva
Frente al lugar muchas chicas
we love we love the chicas bonitas
asi entereamos, pues empezamos
y toda la gente grita asi como ...
Hey Hey .. y todos vamos a cantar
Hey Hey .. y todos vamos a bailar
Hey Hey .. y todos vamos a gritar
Toda la noche
Una hora y un poco mas
No tengo aire no estoy capaz ..
No puedo pensar pero lo oigo todo
El publico esta muy contento
Esta gritando Querremos mas
No puedo, no estoy capaz ..
Nos veremos todos la proxima vez
y toda la gente grita asi como ...
Hey Hey .. y todos vamos a cantar
Hey Hey .. y todos vamos a bailar
Hey Hey .. y todos vamos a gritar
Toda la noche
We just want you up in here
Just another beat my dear
All you got to do is move your culo .. move your culo
Sk’8-boarding fell on me
1990 – a new decade
a story of a small kid
who found his best entertainment
gained new friends, had nothing in mind
I was sk’8-ing the whole day and night
Wasn’t that great life,
despite all the misery…?
Little by little
time passin’ by
The time ran, came ‘94
all that girls and alcohol
straight collision, new experience
and feelin’ weird in the end
sk’8-ing here, partying there
careless of what was going on down
radical attitudes
and the whole world is black and white
high-school was at the end
the year was ‘98
life-decisions on to be made
and no time to fuck around
graduating university
falling into the grey reality
now I work through the whole day
and have nothing much else to say…
Sweet Love
First time I saw you was like a dream for me
Your beautiful eyes blew me inadi air
And when I knew that you're looking straight at me gal
you know I wanted to .. I wanted to take you for me...
And I started to sing like this.
All of the time I'm still thinking of you
And I'm getting through you,
While I'm moving on top of you
It was a mystical connection we did
your smile was like a .. like a sun for me
and when I knew that your lips belong me
you know |I started to ... I started to sing
And I started to sing like this.
I’m gonna tell you a story
about a close friend
I’ve known for a long time
it is very special
purely unique
it won’t cost you even a dime
so listen!
Stuio The shooter
lives in the outskirts
of one corroded town
supports healthy life, does million things
and is asleep when the sun is down
Enormous success
The Shooter had
was something much of a great
but his close fellows
were bunch of zeros
that dragged him down straight
Every time…
cruel women
and let the show begin
but on the next morning shamefaced
he doesn’t know
where he has been
…and he/ his mother/father says
there’s something wrong
there’s something wrong
there’s something wrong
with you
there’s something wrong
there’s something wrong
there’s something wrong
with everything you do…
We did what we had to do
great efforts laid on the right place
but you missed the point at all
disorientated and deeply hollow
So pack your things and go away
there ain’t no reason for you to stay
Don't spoil another opportunity!
You did what you didn’t want to do
mistakes and lapses came one by one
confined in a realm of wrong minds
you lost touch with the ambient world
Сега ще ви представя нашата банда,
с която си въртим тайна контрабанда
оръжие, уиски, скъпи крадени коли
и с малко музика и бизнесът върви
живеем в един от най-богатите квартали
наши са и всичките игрални зали,
притежаваме дори и казината
ела при нас и включи се в играта
Веднъж обаче друга банда
отправиха, към нашата, пропаганда
навлезли бяха те в чужда територия
настана хаос и ето я историята
бум бум... и те започнаха войната
бум бум... и ние върнахме стрелбата
“+=%+?.... изрева и автомата
и падаха наред телата на земятa
...и включи се в играта
Имаше престрелка, убити и ранени
улиците бяха те кърваво червени
паника навсякъде, хора изумени
погнахме ги ние тия шибани кретени
големи тежки загуби онези претърпяха
грубата си грешка те късно осъзнаха
извоювахме си ние поредната виктория
и запазихме си трайно нашата територия
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