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- Title: мафиозо
- Status: Offline
- From: Sofia
- Registered: 2008-02-26
- Posts: 168
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
От ранните часове на деня на 09.06.2008 до следобяд няма да можете да слушате радиото, защото ще бъде извършено преместване на техниката. Адресът за слушане ще бъде сменен като подробности за това ще получите в сайта и в майспейс профила на радиото.
Vivere Militare Est
- Title: мафиозо
- Status: Offline
- From: Sofia
- Registered: 2008-02-26
- Posts: 168
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
Новият адрес за слушане на радиото е : !!!

Vivere Militare Est
- Title: Site Admin
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- Registered: 2006-03-27
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- Title: цъкащ
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- Registered: 2006-06-10
- Posts: 64
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
до преди малко
suicide silence
all shall perish

мн добро радио!
Can we learn to forgive and forget and leave the past behind.
And begin to live our lives without any regrets.
- Title: мафиозо
- Status: Offline
- From: Пловдив
- Registered: 2007-07-02
- Posts: 113
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
снощи бачках до 3 и неможах да слушам :s
- Title: мафиозо
- Status: Offline
- From: Sofia
- Registered: 2008-02-26
- Posts: 168
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
avenger wrote:до преди малко
suicide silence
all shall perish

мн добро радио!
само това се е чуло явно...
прецака се цялата програма на радиото ...
Vivere Militare Est
- Title: тарикат
- Status: Offline
- From: Kardjali
- Registered: 2008-04-22
- Posts: 489
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
Оправено ли е вече ? 
Ако все още не сте се преборили, успех, чакаме любимото си радио на линия отново 

Shit, I spent my whole life around the violence so I planted seeds of hate oh I let my habits grow I slept with the homeless, I copped with the fiends Lost the love inside my heart, I even forgot what it means Seen the ripest nights turn into the rottenest schemes But through it all I have never forgotten my dreams
- Title: закоравял
- Status: Offline
- From: Sofia
- Registered: 2006-04-10
- Posts: 716
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
opraveno e da...
ima raboteshi sound carti i microfoni ve4e 
avril in blood shte doidat ne sledvashtiq ponedelnik ,a posledvashtiq (23ti uni se pada)
dokrq na sedmicata pove4e info na saita
mersi na vsichki za podkrepata i tyrpenieto
Last edited by Viktor (2008-06-11 15:03:18)
- Title: тарикат
- Status: Offline
- Registered: 2007-11-12
- Posts: 367
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
rasbrax 4e ima ka6e doly v poshtata ?
- Title: закоравял
- Status: Offline
- From: Sofia
- Registered: 2006-04-10
- Posts: 716
- Title: тарикат
- Status: Offline
- From: Kardjali
- Registered: 2008-04-22
- Posts: 489
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
Докато не ръгнат антракс не отивам.

Shit, I spent my whole life around the violence so I planted seeds of hate oh I let my habits grow I slept with the homeless, I copped with the fiends Lost the love inside my heart, I even forgot what it means Seen the ripest nights turn into the rottenest schemes But through it all I have never forgotten my dreams
- Title: цъкащ
- Status: Offline
- Registered: 2006-07-04
- Posts: 94
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
Не се прави...Кашето е нищо повече от пакетче 3 В 1 
A few ideas for better life!!!
- Title: закоравял
- Status: Offline
- From: Sofia
- Registered: 2006-04-10
- Posts: 716
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
3v1o ne e kafe brato 
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
На 16ти юни гост на предаването ще бъде Добро от Last Hope. Както винаги шоуто започва в 22:30.

strahotni kostiumcheta
Last edited by Guest (2008-06-15 13:28:40)
- Title: закоравял
- Status: Offline
- From: Sofia
- Registered: 2006-04-10
- Posts: 716
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
do vsichki koito slushaha jivoto predavane s dobro(16.06.08) :
ako nqkoi e napravil zapis na predavaneto molq da mi prati tui kato
tehnicheskite problemi otnovo me suputstvaha i ne mojah da pusna programata
na radioto za zapis
blagodarq za vnimanieto
- Title: тарикат
- Status: Offline
- From: Kardjali
- Registered: 2008-04-22
- Posts: 489
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
Абе я си дайте скайпа 

Shit, I spent my whole life around the violence so I planted seeds of hate oh I let my habits grow I slept with the homeless, I copped with the fiends Lost the love inside my heart, I even forgot what it means Seen the ripest nights turn into the rottenest schemes But through it all I have never forgotten my dreams
- Title: закоравял
- Status: Offline
- From: Sofia
- Registered: 2006-04-10
- Posts: 716
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
напомням за предаването с avril in blood ,
което е отменено за този понеделник(23.06.08)
Last edited by Viktor (2008-06-20 10:21:23)
- Title: закоравял
- Status: Offline
- From: Sofia
- Registered: 2006-04-10
- Posts: 716
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
dve ot kompilaciite na U&P records ot v4era zvuchat po radioto

- Title: закоравял
- Status: Offline
- From: Sofia
- Registered: 2006-04-10
- Posts: 716
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
vsushtnost Golden Violence i Outrageous
ne sa kompilacii ,a:
Golden Violence sa mlda italianska grupa ot Rim. Hate has come e tehniqt purvi album. Muzikata im e smesica ot in your face hxc i bavni beatdown tempove, koito sa podkrepeni ot vokal blizuk do tozi na Scott Vogel ot Terror.
Za fenove na: terror, madball, strife
Outrageous sa shvedska hardcore grupa. Sled dve demota i nqkolko promeni na line-up-a si, te zapisvat mcd. Stilat im e smesica ot old school hxc rifove i mosh chasti. Vokalat se doblijava do tezi na Blacklisted ili modern life is war, osobeno shto se otnasq do pokazvaneto na chuvstvata.
Za fenove na: Blacklisted, MWIL, American Nightmare

- Title: тарикат
- Status: Offline
- Registered: 2007-11-12
- Posts: 367
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
- Title: тарикат
- Status: Offline
- Registered: 2007-04-13
- Posts: 474
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
sled 4as s2k v ihmr
kolko ste be ?!
- Title: цъкащ
- Status: Offline
- Registered: 2006-06-10
- Posts: 64
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
евала силно е и има 15 еджъра хеахеаеа
Can we learn to forgive and forget and leave the past behind.
And begin to live our lives without any regrets.
- Title: тарикат
- Status: Offline
- From: Kardjali
- Registered: 2008-04-22
- Posts: 489
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
Виктор ги изяде тия песни 

Shit, I spent my whole life around the violence so I planted seeds of hate oh I let my habits grow I slept with the homeless, I copped with the fiends Lost the love inside my heart, I even forgot what it means Seen the ripest nights turn into the rottenest schemes But through it all I have never forgotten my dreams
- Title: мафиозо
- Status: Offline
- From: Монтана
- Registered: 2006-12-16
- Posts: 170
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
grip ripar hahaahahah
nema rados bez grados
- Title: тарикат
- Status: Offline
- From: Kardjali
- Registered: 2008-04-22
- Posts: 489
Re: I Hate Mondays Radio
Отивам на концерт 
Пък и ме поздравиха с песен, ехей радост ! 
Last edited by GrimReaperHC (2008-07-07 23:06:03)

Shit, I spent my whole life around the violence so I planted seeds of hate oh I let my habits grow I slept with the homeless, I copped with the fiends Lost the love inside my heart, I even forgot what it means Seen the ripest nights turn into the rottenest schemes But through it all I have never forgotten my dreams
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