
Topic: Greets from Russia)

Greetings from Moscow sharps
How are you doin there in Bulgaria?
Goin to visit your country with a little vacation in the middle of august...
So wanna ask you all about antiracist movements in your country and about music scene)
I saw that there will be a big punk/hc gig in the middle of august, what you can tell me about it?
Yeah and tell me about nazi scum, is its dangerous there to look like a skinhead? cause in moscow its dangerous)
Please write in english, cause its little bit hard to understand bulgarian for me)

I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red, I've had enough of your politics
I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red, For all I am is a ... Skinhead!
That's what I am, It's all I wanna be, That's what I am, It's all I wanna be
That's what I am, It's all I wanna be


Re: Greets from Russia)

У нас тут скинхедов не много, большенство фашистов уже одиваются в стиле английских хулиганов - casual. Подтяжки и ботинки dr.martens тут уже вышли из моды, сейчас все одиваются в lacoste и носятся в шапках fred perry или henri lloyd.
Антирасистких организаций у нас нет (или я просто не знаю о них). Знаю только что большенство скинхедов тут аполитичны или фашисты.
Извини если есть ошибки. Довно я не писал на русском языке.
Привет из Болгарии.

from the slaughterhouses to the labs - ALL MUST BURN


Re: Greets from Russia)

As Yancho said, there ain't no anti-fa organizations in Bulgaria at all, or they're so deeply underground nobody has ever heard about them. smile Which is not funny, actually... I doubt you'll have any problems being dressed like a skin-head as most people would assume that you're a nazi and, therefore, it won't be a good idea to mess with you... Which is not funny as well. There are some people from Varna, who read the forum, and they'd be able to give opinion about your skin-look and the reactions it could provoke.

About the festival - I don't think you'll have any problems at all there, and you'll probably have a good time unless you are looking for trouble.

To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men.


Re: Greets from Russia)

xKorupciqtax - Мужик спасибо за ответ у тебя отличный русский!
fallacy - thanks for your answer dude, ill use all advantages of your advice.

At the beginning of my search I ve found this page
and after that ive found this video
so i just decide to find those guys)))

my ICQ is 115678389 if someone afraid to post any confidential information here contact directly to me)

I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red, I've had enough of your politics
I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red, For all I am is a ... Skinhead!
That's what I am, It's all I wanna be, That's what I am, It's all I wanna be
That's what I am, It's all I wanna be


Re: Greets from Russia)

yeah and anyone know anything about group Bitov Terror from Sofia? Are they still alive?

I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red, I've had enough of your politics
I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red, For all I am is a ... Skinhead!
That's what I am, It's all I wanna be, That's what I am, It's all I wanna be
That's what I am, It's all I wanna be

AntiFa Burgas

Re: Greets from Russia)

Bitov Teror -
Last Hope -
Т.В.У. -
N.F.G. Burgas

Last edited by Guest (2008-07-31 21:03:46)


Re: Greets from Russia)

Ahhhh its a great music dude!!! Thanks a lot, its seems that situation is not so bad... I really hope so!

I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red, I've had enough of your politics
I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red, For all I am is a ... Skinhead!
That's what I am, It's all I wanna be, That's what I am, It's all I wanna be
That's what I am, It's all I wanna be


Re: Greets from Russia)

ahh dude your e-mail is incorrect, if you see this send a little message to me on ras.kirill (doggie)

I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red, I've had enough of your politics
I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red, For all I am is a ... Skinhead!
That's what I am, It's all I wanna be, That's what I am, It's all I wanna be
That's what I am, It's all I wanna be


Re: Greets from Russia)

Bulgarian skinhead forum (apolitical + nazis) ->
Bulgarian skinhead webzine ->
Bitov Teror ->
Momcheta s Kubinki (from Varna) ->

all the apolitical skinheads here are nationalist/patriotic

d-beat spirit


Re: Greets from Russia)

Hey, Russian_sharp, do you know Save Remains, Fight for fun and RAY from Russia? Very great bands. Im big fan of ukrainian bands like Bread'n'Battery, Humble Opinion and Cut'n'Run.

Nevermind. In Varna, as the other guys said, you won't have any troubles smile


These are the only crowded rooms
where I'm not all alone.


Re: Greets from Russia)

DIY-OR-DIE wrote:

Bulgarian skinhead forum (apolitical + nazis) ->
Bulgarian skinhead webzine ->

it seems that the so-called Bulgarian "antifascists" don't like writing in forums ,which is crap. It would have been much more interesting, if they did...... sad


Re: Greets from Russia)

xDakax wrote:

Hey, Russian_sharp, do you know Save Remains, Fight for fun and RAY from Russia? Very great bands. Im big fan of ukrainian bands like Bread'n'Battery, Humble Opinion and Cut'n'Run.

Nevermind. In Varna, as the other guys said, you won't have any troubles smile


Yeah I know this bands, they are good. Have you heared "Engage at will" from St.Petersburg? its a great old school hardcore)

I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red, I've had enough of your politics
I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red, For all I am is a ... Skinhead!
That's what I am, It's all I wanna be, That's what I am, It's all I wanna be
That's what I am, It's all I wanna be


Re: Greets from Russia)

Judy wrote:
DIY-OR-DIE wrote:

Bulgarian skinhead forum (apolitical + nazis) ->
Bulgarian skinhead webzine ->

it seems that the so-called Bulgarian "antifascists" don't like writing in forums ,which is crap. It would have been much more interesting, if they did...... sad

But they are exist and its a real great thing)))

Last edited by Russian_sharp (2008-08-01 08:04:27)

I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red, I've had enough of your politics
I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red, For all I am is a ... Skinhead!
That's what I am, It's all I wanna be, That's what I am, It's all I wanna be
That's what I am, It's all I wanna be


Re: Greets from Russia)

I'm not quite sure about that tongue

By the way i love Skinflicks too! They're one of my favourite bands.


Re: Greets from Russia)

Yeah Skinflicks are really great, every song is wonderfull!

I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red, I've had enough of your politics
I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red, For all I am is a ... Skinhead!
That's what I am, It's all I wanna be, That's what I am, It's all I wanna be
That's what I am, It's all I wanna be


Re: Greets from Russia)

Russian_sharp - - группа Ремонт. Очень класный стрийт панк/ой! из Софии. Аполитичные. Поют на болгарском но зато музыка не плохая.
Из россии я больше знаю о хардкор и металкор сцене. Вижу еще что есть очень много фашистких стрейт эдж панк груп как Коловрат.

Last edited by xKorupciqtax (2008-08-01 11:02:05)

from the slaughterhouses to the labs - ALL MUST BURN


Re: Greets from Russia)

Коловрат не сХе помоему, но они просто Боги для наших фашей... Наци и сХе две вещи несовместные если по понятиям рассуждать)
ну не суть... действительно много наци групп, но как говорится на каждое действие есть и противодействие)
Аполитичных не люблю особо по крайней мере у нас, ибо у нас, как я понял у вас та же ситуация, "аполитичные" или "трады" практически все околоправые...
а из наших групп послушай ByStreet, Give them a gun... мои друзья, молодые и горячие все)))

Sorry if its not good to write here on russian...

Last edited by Russian_sharp (2008-08-01 11:36:55)

I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red, I've had enough of your politics
I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red, For all I am is a ... Skinhead!
That's what I am, It's all I wanna be, That's what I am, It's all I wanna be
That's what I am, It's all I wanna be


Re: Greets from Russia)

There is no problem to write in Russian, at least in this topic, but more people will understand you if it's in English, so it's up to you.

To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men.


Re: Greets from Russia)

Welcome to the Bulgarian HC scene mate ;]
Shit, I spent my whole life around the violence so I planted seeds of hate oh I let my habits grow I slept with the homeless, I copped with the fiends Lost the love inside my heart, I even forgot what it means Seen the ripest nights turn into the rottenest schemes But through it all I have never forgotten my dreams


Re: Greets from Russia)

Thanks a lot guys) you seems very friendly here, its great!

I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red, I've had enough of your politics
I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red, For all I am is a ... Skinhead!
That's what I am, It's all I wanna be, That's what I am, It's all I wanna be
That's what I am, It's all I wanna be


Re: Greets from Russia)

Actually, in real life we hate each other to death tongue


Re: Greets from Russia)

Judy is right, we all hate each other. all the people here are hypocrites and if u come to bulgaria there is a real chance to get beaten by some "hardcore" individual. so stay alert when u come to our country


Re: Greets from Russia)

Or you can just have a nice stay here smile It's not necessary to get beaten up.


Re: Greets from Russia)

Russian_sharp one thing I cannot understand.. how you can be russian and communist at the same time after all the bad things that the reds did to your country.


Re: Greets from Russia)

to Pride: who told you that im communist? i dont like reds, but this time we must unite and bash all those racist and nazi bastards!!!

I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red, I've had enough of your politics
I'm not a nazi, I'm not a red, For all I am is a ... Skinhead!
That's what I am, It's all I wanna be, That's what I am, It's all I wanna be
That's what I am, It's all I wanna be